strive什么意思(New Title Work Hard and Pursue Goals.)


Striving is a term that refers to working hard and passionately towards a particular goal. Striving is an essential trait that distinguishes successful people from others who might have given up. Although striving might seem difficult, it is worth it, as it leads to personal fulfillment and success. This article explores the meaning of striving, its importance, and how to implement it in one's life to achieve personal goals.

Defining Striving

Striving is a verb that means to work hard and consistently towards a particular goal or objective. It involves putting in a lot of effort and time to achieve what one desires. Striving is not a one-time action but requires continuous effort and perseverance to achieve success. It involves moving out of one's comfort zone and taking calculated risks to reach one's goals.

The Importance of Striving

Striving is an essential trait that distinguishes successful people from those who fail. It is through striving that individuals can achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Successful individuals see opportunities in challenges and work hard to overcome them. They do not give up easily, and they are willing to take calculated risks when necessary. Striving also helps in personal development, as it creates a sense of purpose and motivation to improve oneself continually.

Implementing Striving in One's Life

Implementing striving in one's life requires a deliberate effort and commitment to work hard towards personal objectives. The following are some practical tips on how to implement striving:

Set clear goals: To strive successfully, individuals need to set clear and measurable goals. Setting goals helps to create a clear and defined direction towards which one can focus their efforts.

Maintain a positive attitude: Striving requires a positive attitude and mindset. Maintaining a positive attitude helps to overcome challenges and failures along the way. It also creates mental resilience to stay focused on the bigger picture.

Take action: Striving involves taking action towards one's goals. It is important to take calculated risks and take decisive action to move closer to one's objectives.

Stay committed: Striving takes time and requires a lot of effort and hard work. It is important to stay committed to the goal and to keep pushing oneself forward despite setbacks and challenges. Consistency is key.

Learn and improve: Striving involves continuous learning and improvement. It is important to embrace feedback and learn from one's failures and successes along the way. This helps to refine one's strategies and approaches to achieving the goal.


Striving is an essential trait that distinguishes successful people from those who fail. It requires working hard and consistently towards a particular goal or objective. Striving is not a one-time action but requires continuous effort and perseverance to achieve success. To implement striving in one's life, individuals need to set clear goals, maintain a positive attitude, take action, stay committed, and learn continuously. Striving creates personal fulfillment and success, and it is an essential trait for anyone who desires to achieve their full potential.

发布于 2024-02-29 18:02:06
